MOLD – a SERIOUS issue in Costa Rica!! How to Deal with Mold & Allergies to MOLD while living in Costa Rica

MOLD - a SERIOUS issue in Costa Rica!! How to Deal with Mold & Allergies to MOLD while living in Costa Rica
Try to AVOID LEATHER or SUEDE things if you live in Costa Rica!!!!!!!
This was my FAVORITE Leather backpack!!! It was THE STURDIEST thing I've EVER seen as I had it for over 9 years (got it from the leather store/maker at Mercado Central in San Jose). MANY a week I'd stuff that thing with 2-4 2 liter bottles of Agua de Pipa (Coconut Water - THE BEST REMEDY I've yet to find to bring my high blood pressure down).
It was in a CLOSET IN a bag for about 6 months - during rainy season. Mind you on the other side of the closet was one of the houses water tanks which burst a few months back so there was a UNSEEN mold issue going on with this wall I think.
Mold is a VERY SERIOUS issue with living in the Tropics - in Costa Rica!! I speak from first hand SERIOUS EXPERIENCE as I SUDDENLY developed a HUGE ALLERGY to MOLD - to the point that I was "out of it" once for 6 week - 1/2 of the time I HAD to sleep sitting up because I couldn't breathe & even 4 nebulizers & 2 IV Steroid Drips STILL didn't make a difference!! Once I was staying the night in a friends basement Maid's Quarters - a room my friend hadn't been into in YEARS so she wasn't aware that there was mold growing on the WALLS!! & I LITERALLY was hallucinating that night!!!
This was my FAVORITE Leather backpack!!! It was THE STURDIEST thing I've EVER seen as I had it for over 9 years (got it from the leather store/maker at Mercado Central in San Jose). MANY a week I'd stuff that thing with 2-4 2 liter bottles of Agua de Pipa (Coconut Water - THE BEST REMEDY I've yet to find to bring my high blood pressure down).
It was in a CLOSET IN a bag for about 6 months - during rainy season. Mind you on the other side of the closet was one of the houses water tanks which burst a few months back so there was a UNSEEN mold issue going on with this wall I think.
Mold is a VERY SERIOUS issue with living in the Tropics - in Costa Rica!! I speak from first hand SERIOUS EXPERIENCE as I SUDDENLY developed a HUGE ALLERGY to MOLD - to the point that I was "out of it" once for 6 week - 1/2 of the time I HAD to sleep sitting up because I couldn't breathe & even 4 nebulizers & 2 IV Steroid Drips STILL didn't make a difference!! Once I was staying the night in a friends basement Maid's Quarters - a room my friend hadn't been into in YEARS so she wasn't aware that there was mold growing on the WALLS!! & I LITERALLY was hallucinating that night!!!